Or “how did summer go by so fast!”

” I trust in nature for the stable laws of beauty and utility. Spring shall plant and autumn garner to the end of time. “
~Robert Browning

It has been ages since our last blog post, and we have been going full steam. The new Aurora Warm Up Hut is moving along. It will be a cozy scribed log cabin for guest to get warmed up before/after dog musing adventures, and a comfortable place to spend a night watching for the Northern Lights. On a more selfish note, it will also serve as gear storage for the extra winter clothing available to guests of the kennel.
The Psychopaths and Take Out litters are no linger puppies, they are full fledged yearlings in training. The new pen project we started this year is complete, and the dogs really enjoy the new play area. Firewood has been split and stacked. Although I always feel like I have never done enough; if I am being honest we did manage to tick quite a few items of the summer projects list.
Dog yard ready for winter Winter’s Firewood Fall colors in the Chatanika Valley Summer Sunflowers Dog enjoying the new pens Cabin in progress Jasper supervises my log peeling Clouds rolling in
The dogs are enjoying the cooler temperatures, and training is started up. We have plans to guide a few extended mushing adventures this year in addition to our overnight camping trips. Very excited to see the interest in our overnight adventures growing, thanks to all who have visited and offered suggestions and encouragement.
We are all very much looking forward to the winter ahead and the adventures it will bring. But till then we continue to take advantage of every beautiful fall day to move forward on our plans and dreams.
View from the bedroom porch Looking up toward the sauna Busy bee enjoying the last of the summer days New trailer for working round the kennel Gear is repaired and ready for winter Sled plastic and lines all organized Dog relax… while Dan scribes.
You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.
Walt Disney