The season in-between
So the snow is gone from the trails leading out of our yard, effectively ending our mushing season. But the trails are too mushy and wet or icy in places to be safe for quad training teams. Mother Nature has clearly not decided what useful season it wants to be: Summer or Winter? Neither, she is dwelling in the mish-mash of sunshine with cold rain, icy patches with mud puddles, grass showing but its not alive yet. Welcome to break-up, my (Jodi) least favorite season.
And with its instability and less then ideal outside conditions break-up is not the best season for outside projects. TBH some days it totally sucks! Historically this has always been a challenging time in Alaska. Rivers are thawing and not safe as trails for travel, and at the same time not open and flowing for boat travel. The ground tends to be still frozen or mud, not idea conditions for travel or working outside in. But somehow Alaskans have always found a way to deal with it. Self included. Like all things, it is not permanent. Summer will bring endless projects and opportunities for adventure, hikes, berries, leader training, and building. We just have to slog it out with the changing seasons till then.
So slog on we will!
Asked Victoria if she had any recent photos to share with y’all, to give you a little glimpse of break-up at Dew Claw; and she kindly shared with me some of her fine photography. Hope y’all enjoy it. And wishing all our Alaskan friends a speedy and safe break-up.
Ed giving Victoria a muddy pat on the back, as if to say “good job” The Moon and the Aurora. Won’t being seeing them this summer. Here Ye Here Ye, the snow is melting! Puppy walks before the snow melted. Sputnik smiling in the sunshine. Closing down camp, last breakfast of the season at Dew Claw Camp.
Summer Plans?
Why yes, we do have quite a few. And working with the Asian Foods litter and the Psychopaths is one goal we are all looking forward too. Of course leader training and free running for the dogs. A new fenced in dog yard with pens is already in the works. And we also hope to do some more upgrades to our Off Grid Rustic Cabin. Kennel Tours and Husky Hikes for summer guests to Alaska. With some time for a road trip and some BBQ’s too.